Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i realise i have abandon this blog for 8 mths.. heez

for past 8 mths.. everything was quite the same.. work..work and work.. boring ya..
the peak months are back again.. OTs and OTs and OTs soon!!

Additional happenings to my boring life for past 8 mths:
1) Shifted for abt 9 mths.. adjusted and comfortable living in new hse..
2) My cousin and me.. we set up a blogshop (Simple Pleasures) selling ladies accessories.. interested.. visit http://www.yoursimplepleasures.blogspot.com/
3) Attended korean language classes.. but realise after whole course.. i only know how to read.. i dun understand/know how speak in korean. lolx
4) Attended 3 out of 12 lessons of yoga .. heez.. guilty
5) Still finding time to take grad studio pics..individual and with family
6) Waiting for hgf and my hse to be complete..
7) Waiting/Finding for a right time to travel to Aust for holiday with family..delaying due to work sigh
8) Waiting/Finding for a right time to travel to Taipei again for holiday with Betsy

Thats all i can recap heez..

Merry X'mas to all and thanks for reading! :D

ahappyme @ 3:00 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i'm back from Sydney! Is a great time for me to rest 7 days without work is shiok heez
I have uploaded my trip pictures on facebook you can go take a look ;)

and yes yea i have graduated finally.. this whole course didn't go on smoothly but is okie i have overcome it and graduated.

doctor ask me to exercise and yes i'm a good patient haha May is coming...18 may onwards every mondae going Yoga class with my sis at a CC super near my house. hopefully no muscle aches after tat lolx.

enjoy lookin at the pics! cya

ahappyme @ 11:27 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009

I going sydney on 14 apr - 19 apr! going there for my graduation! with my parents and another fren of mine who going there for graduation too and her bf.

ahappyme @ 8:46 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009

YEAH!! we got the house and got the unit that we want! =D

ahappyme @ 1:26 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

yeah! we got it!! hope got a good one.. praying.. praying..

Taiwan pics .. i have upload it to facebook heez too many to put it here.

waiting for uni to send me letter.... still waiting...

shifting on 21st feb.. renovation on the way.. going well... getting poorer due to need to buy furnitures.. haha i guess i gotta buy my room stuff one by one...

ahappyme @ 2:21 AM

Friday, January 02, 2009

i'm back in singapore 3 days ago.. and yes i'm back to work... sigh.. 1 week rest doesn't seems enough haha..shall not be greedy.. gotta be busy at work again sigh..

Taiwan trip not so bad.. I like the weather haha thats the thing i really miss most heez..back to Singapore is really really hot can't get use to it on my first day back.. for the 5days 4 nights trip we keep walking n walking from day to night.. is tiring.. both of us didn't buy much things for ourselves.. 1 each.. the rest is for colleagues, friends and family. Clothes there are all winter clothes.. haha thought i can get clothes for cny.. in the end I bought a puma small small bag for me to bring for lunch.. guofeng got himself a working shirt..

guofeng gave me a surprise there... heez i was shock..

alrites back to work.. i will try to put up photos :D

ahappyme @ 9:30 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i'm tired....really... tired...yawn...i feel like i'm working for 20 hours.. a day..
tired... brain not functioning to work now.. even after breakfast.. lol

few more days to taiwan!! to rest n enjoy all i can before going back to the same work lifestyle again..

still waiting for my transcript... pls give me fast i want to up my pay!!

Jan is coming... waiting for another impt results release.. nothing to do with school though.. can't wait can we get it or can we not? lolx

ahappyme @ 10:36 AM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
- jaSsamint's blog -
- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
- Grace's blog -
- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
- Grace Tan's blog -
- Mavis's blog -

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