Friday, October 29, 2004

mon afternoon going for the I2rcomm seminar briefing..morning must come school find supervisor..hope his mood is good..pray today is as is so funny..when too many things to do..i will complain say too nothing to do..i complain nothing to do make me very sleepy..well..tats me..what about u? but i rather have some stuff to do..but not too much work..heehee..

wow..just came back from partner told me my supervisor come in and look for me!! he suppose to be on course! my partner say he we wondering past few days did he come back also..erm..hope not..he ask me check my nyp email regarding about the seminar..yupyup..and also the project demo is postpone to wed!

To my dear fren..i know you are sad , feeling fan and facing some cheer up alrite..if you need my help just tell me..sorry for not able to cheer u up..i really don't know wat to say..afraid if i say anything..will make things worst or u will feel offended..but no matter wat i'll be there to listen to you and support u and help know who u are..and u know who this refer to.. cheer up and i'm sure things be alrite one day.. it just need time..

here's a quote for everyone:

Today Ratings:
Mood : 5
Sleepy: 6

ahappyme @ 1:19 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2004

today lunch time went to bishan junction8 with jasmine and shumei to eat..we eat long john's silver 2 piece fish combo promotion..heehee..then after that went to walk around for awhile..wanted to buy hp accessory for my thumbdrive but then too ex..shumei say PS only $ i shall see when i free then go there buy..

still testing out my project..project demo is on tuesday..and i got seminar at dunno which 5 star how details whether wat time be there..or confirmation that i suppose to go...and on the same day got project how how..supervisor on course cannot find him like nv reply..haiz....

my fren send me an email seeing what your han yu pin ying name means..mine is :

Ratings Today:
Mood: 7
Sleepy: 4

ahappyme @ 4:46 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

in the end nv go anywhere coz is back to food junction ate tom yam seafood noodle today..yupyup..

just test my project again..the signal is wrong! just dunno y..2 days ago was alright now is noise signal...... sadz sadz sadz

A quote for u :

Ratings Today:
Mood: 5
Sleepy: 6


ahappyme @ 1:08 PM

*yawn* another boring day..been reading magazines yest and today..totally bored in lab..wat a waste of day..can actually spent this time to do part-time job 0r sleeping at home..but instead doing nothing at in school..

thank goodness my attachment company wants me go back to work part-time to improve on the leave system during least can earn some $$ for my school fees after graduate..$6.50/hr which means $52 a day!

later during lunch time..gotta be naughty again heehee..going out of school either amk or J8 for lunch and maybe walking around before going back to this boring been 2 days no lecturers bother attandance and blah blah..wats best my supervisor on course not in school..

7 days more before FYP ends..demo of project next week but dunno when..must think of questions they will asked again..know nuts abt like we have 3 presentatations instead of 2

today got tuition again..this week tuition day: tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday and sunday...and next week will be tuesday, wednesday! next wednesday last day of tuition heehee..than he will rest hopefully and get ready for his primary 4 work

k lar going for lunch soon..maybe after coming back will blog again..

ahappyme @ 10:57 AM

Monday, October 25, 2004

today got good news and bad..for now the bad news first...
this whole morning stomach ache like anything..just couldn't eat..luckily now okie already..and so feel super super hungry.. what a weak stomach i have.. haiz

GOOD news: I FINISHED my project..totally finished..tested out my project waveform is out perfect..thanks to my partner Hui now project finished..presentation AES also finish! now really nothing to must worry what questions will be asked during demo next week.. my supervisor on course cannot show him our results..

just now go break than realise tat chalet is only NEXT Sunday tats fast..i tot was next next week..thanks shumei remind me.. heehee

today i'm gotta stay up again to watch finish tou long zhuan feng..shumei i think by wed or thur can lend you wait patiently..nice drama..luff till you drop..heehee..

Mood: 8
Sleepy: 4

ahappyme @ 4:06 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2004

sorry hadi yest nv go..stuck at my student house..teaching science..wanna puke le..say how many times nothing goes in as usual..haiz

anyway i watch vcd whole of today again..too funny the show..shumei i finishing soon can lend you soon le..

feeling bored now..bro playing ps cannot watch vcd..mother in the room watch coz she watch slower than must wait for my bro play finish than can watch..sian..tml got tuition again suppose to do some worksheets for my student but lazy.. haiz..

tml lab gotta be boring..1pm got opening ceremony of the lab beside mine..than got minister..have to act and become fishes again..maybe no break..or late lunch..2 weeks more!! quickly past..

ahappyme @ 9:17 PM

Friday, October 22, 2004

*yawn* today very sian and tired again..this naughty me..refuse to sleep early mind just keep thinking of some things just couldn't sleep..tat always happen to me when....anyway lucky got vcd to keep my mind occupied..continue watch vcd..and getting worser..later.. but tou long zhuan feng vcd abit weird..think poh kim cut some half way..the actor and actress in moment got scene all of them fighting..i was like huh? how they come out and y suddenly change of wonder poh kim sell so cheap..wanna cheat my mum's money.. *hmph*

today friday, patiently waiting for 2 weeks later..2 weeks later no more staying in this lab..and my student exam finish be free! heehee..then let my student rest for a month or so before starting his Pri 4 work..hopefully his mother agree coz his ma ma abit ks..

Ratings: Sleepy Mood: 8
Today Mood: 5

ahappyme @ 1:06 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

feeling so tired today..slept late yest just to watch VCD..tou long zhuan feng..just too funny and nice tat i just refuse to stop..and only now tat i regret..feel super sleepy somemore proj finish le nothing to do..AES touching up and waiting for my partner to give me his..

my supervisor not free tml..going on course whole of next week and the last week of FYP busy marking exam paper..which means that he won't come it time for me to relax? heehee..


k lar ciao

ahappyme @ 4:10 PM

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

presentation FINALLY OVER!! yeah!! was pretty good..ask quite a number of questions........whole presentatin 45mins! thats so long..but lucky he say very good..felt rest for awhile before doing AES again..

tonight got tuition again and sian and i think Saturday gotta teach him also coz his compo exam is on next Monday..there goes my plans for Saturday.. -_-"

ahappyme @ 11:11 AM

Sunday, October 17, 2004

so fast is sunday already..presentation date is getting nearer..
stay at home trying to do my presentation and flash for my AES..but who knows my cd-rom went crazy when i want to install macromedia flash.. my computer just couldn't read the drive..Thanks to Guofeng!! help me to repair...finally able to install flash..but!! nyp Flash and my hse flash different version!! cannot open wat i done in the end back to square 1..THanks guofeng! teach me flash

Thanks Michelle..for your presents..twinkle stars tea, towel and also precious moments cd sweet of you! :) Shumei give you one packet on monday got the twinkle stars pic on it!

kk thats all folks!

ahappyme @ 9:49 PM

Saturday, October 16, 2004

got a good news! i may fulfill my dream to study early childhood studies yeah! my be a teacher..though can't teach in primsary or secondary..teach younger ones also kids!
Hope can study..

today my mum bought noodle soup back for my brother but he dun wan to leave it for dinner for me to mum make hot for me..was "nice" i eat and eat..suddenly..saw something in my bowl..then i scream...arhhh...crockroach!!! i can't believe i eat a bowl of noodle with crockroach inside..almost want to puke...if i got stomachache later..i want to sue that hawker!! somemore so expensive..$4..and inside all vegetables!! ta bao wrongly somemore..supposely to be fish noodle..humph..

the tou long zhuan feng part 2 was nice nice..i watch..i cried so touching..and of coz not forgetting the funny part..all muz watch kk.. moi declared NICE! :)

k lar thats all for today!

ahappyme @ 9:13 PM

Friday, October 15, 2004

Finally is Friday..My Presentation is next wed! so last min how i'm i gotta find things to say..there goes my sat and sun..doing presentation slides and presentation slides and presentations slides.

To keep everyone updated we left with 15days not counting weekends. after that finally holidays! but gotta finish project in 15 days..sure not enough..

tonight gotta give tuition again.. ends at 8.30pm and i'll leave my student house at 8.40pm..y? coz my student mother will talk and talk and talk to me..she super kanjiong about her son..wanted to tell her Please lar he PRIMARY 3 only is 3 years more to his PLSE relax abit. 3 times a week..every lesson will think of questions to ask me regarding his son!

kk think i'll stop here..

ahappyme @ 1:36 PM

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Congrats Yanny! yr codes can work today!..nothing special today..same old thing AES..making me blur and crazy..erm shall not talk about FYP anymore..orh should count down we left with 17 days!

look at this pic...nice right?

ahappyme @ 10:25 PM

Monday, October 11, 2004

yup yup see got improvement in my blog..thanks to jasmine again..should be upgrading somemore soon i hope.. :) Saturday went to Guofeng's sis wedding..Congratulation Michelle Hope you enjoy your honeymoon! Sunday newest record for the past few months, i Slept the WHOLE day! yeah new record and also I finally found the VCD for tou long zhuan feng Part 2!!

BAck to today...haiz..same thing in lab..doing AES do until eyes want to pop out..SIaN...think i can update everyday bah..coz in lab...totally absolutely nothing and i mean NOTHING to do.. *yawn*

Hope my next entry be out soon :p

ahappyme @ 4:13 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004

Finally..i got a blog! Frens who been waiting..i'm so is my goes to Jasmine! Thanks for designing for me ;) my blog everyday..i'm sure i will blog especially weekdays..coz i'm totally bored in my lab aka fish tank..will update my blog again! cya soon

ahappyme @ 11:23 PM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
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- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
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- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
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