Sunday, November 28, 2004

sorry..long time no blog..when i reach home..too tired to blog..

yest went to my uncle help my niece take her graduation photo ceremony..everything was going well until..she went up the stage and started to cry..poor girl..her teacher got to bring her down the stage..and then we have to bring her back to her ah gong house..console her until she sleep..her mother wasn't there coz she was at the hospital waiting to be worries..nothing wrong with her..she came back with a lovely cute little nephew for me! heehee..once got photo i publish let u all see..

sorry to RAC NYP couldn't be there yest to help you all are great! make it a sucess..and even could handle a difficult man who threaten to take everything away..Proud of you all ;)

went back yest went to withdraw $20 then saw my bank balance..almost fainted..cannot buy presents anything now..muz eat bread already..left with $58 or to survive? think only can let me last for 1 week or 2..hope will recieve my salary soon!

today went out with one of my fren..didn't buy anything except for my fren present..and eat ya kun kaya bread..lucky i could resist..not to buy anything heehee..from now on..Felicia gotta save save save :p

cya for next entry : )

ahappyme @ 9:23 PM

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


just came back from eileen birthday Pizza Hut @ Hougang Mall...Hope you have fun and like your presents!! ;)

Just now at hougang mall wentt o find shufen..she working long nv see her nice meeting and talking to her..can't wait for friday to meet rest of my sec been months since we met up..esp esther long time no see her..cya on Friday okie..those cannot make it must come on 3rd Dec hor..cya soon! :)

feeling so tired the whole day today..must be becoz of past 3 days..whole day outside plus standing and walking for long hours..*yawn* going to sleep soon bye

ahappyme @ 1:13 AM

Saturday, November 20, 2004

*yawn* so tired kinda of busy day..this morning went to amk mrt station to meet up with fellow NYP Rotaractors to distribute flyers for next week newspaper collection fundraising..after that went down to Jurong East..there's a bus that bring us to the Bollywood Veggies..where the Rotary assembly and fellowship a nice place..a big plot of land and is like in the country pond..vegetables..blah blah blah..when i was there..i remember the time when i am in Sec3/4 we went to Muar on excursion..was something like tat..didn't know singapore got such a place..the boss is the National Netball Manager i think..Ivy.. Was fun there and there's people BBQ for us..and we seat comfortably in a nice decorated air-conditional place..i tot of wearing shorts somemore coz is a farm + BBQ ..luckily i didn' one wore shorts! the Rotarians some even look formal..and of coz got the tai tai's there..heehee.. quite interesting..

gotta sleep soon..tml waking up early again to help out in Singapore Buddhist Library FunFair at Aljunid..then after going to amk to buy assessment bks for my student..hope to blog soon..heehee..admitted that i didn't blog for some time :p

ahappyme @ 11:39 PM

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

i like long time no blog..lazy to face the computer...heehee..this holiday working at my attachment company..improve on the leave system..kinda of tired requesting them to pay me and kaixiong by hourly rate of $7/hr instead of project base $..hope can pay us by hourly based..

this weekend gotta be very busy..sat Rotary BBQ at Bollywood Farm..and Sun whole day at aljunid(dunno how to spell) mrt buddhist library going there to volunteer and help anyone free..drop by by buying the tickets or come find me kk :)

yeah did i tell mum bought Snow Angel vcd!! on Sunday when i ask her to go!! heehee..when we reach we saw wow 50%..then i tot the one i aim very long Snow Angel still the same $40..but when discount..i straight away pay for it!! heehee..gotta spend my nite..with VCD again..haha :p

ahappyme @ 8:08 PM

Thursday, November 11, 2004

is been few days i nv blog..le..heehee..just came back from MIT0218 chalet yest..was okie..yest got to go home before check out time..coz stomachache..haiz..sorrieee shumei got to take over me to help me checkout..

today..went out for bowling with 2 of my frens..heehee..guess wat? the dunno how to play me get super low yr zonal bowling..i'm out to play! to get the best longkang award! :p is still a award rite? got trophy somemore...maybe got vochers also..heehee

k lar tats to work tml at plexus components Pte Ltd :)

ahappyme @ 3:28 PM

Thursday, November 04, 2004

just finish project demo..bad bad bad..sure die...if sup give a B sure moderate till C/D ..the manager..say..the codes and circuit given to us..then wat value of us is? all i have to do is understand and compile, load program..dun need to write the partner follow the circuit and do soldering..but the thing is our project given to us is suppose to do that..only..haiz..

Ratings Today:
Mood: 4

ahappyme @ 3:45 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

back to school today..boring..nothing to do have long lunch break..after eating..went to a disscusion plan for chalet..yupyup..project demo is postpone to thursday again..coz manager on only tml can totally relax..

Guofeng..dun stress okie..u can do it and rest well when u reach home..kk?
kaixiong all the best for yr 3rd presentation tml..

not much today..tat's all..byee

ahappyme @ 2:52 PM

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

today whole day nv go back school go to somerset for a seminar today..heehe..the naughty me reach at 9 plus instead of 9am..then leave early at 10.30am after 2 talks..during tea break..instead of 5 plus..haha..shh...then went shopping with my sis for awhile and reach home at 4pm..then of coz into my sweet dreamz and to tuition..boring rite?

well..for being naughty this my punishment..or is it lucky? second mum bought dinner for noodle..haha guess wat..this time no crockroach..instead is BEE!! discover it after eating a few mouths..second time happen to the end..ended up eating hotdog bread :( thats my dinner!

all the best to those having presentation tml..and tml mine proj demo..die..

k lar tat's it for today

ahappyme @ 10:44 PM

Monday, November 01, 2004

reach home at 8pm today..after the pre-seminar preparation held at NUS..the company is "nice" have shuttle bus for us at MOE today..suppose to leave at 1.30pm sharp but in the end bus came at 2pm.. was super boring..almost fell asleep..all of us 7 NYP students..but when comes to break haha..we are the first! too hungry..tats our lunch..3 plus..gosh..kaixiong ate the most..heehee.. at the end of the whole thing at 6pm..we thought tat there's bus back to MOE! but dun have..and the place is at one place corner of NUS..yup..then nv been there what happen? we all got lost!! take NUS shuttle the end we end up at NUS bus terminal..then take another bus out to NUH..supposely take 95 to bouna the end can't get up any bus..too crowded..then we find our way out ourselves..finally found a bus that go habour front!! whole process takes 45mins-1 hr!! worst worst!

but met 4 new frens today..2 daniels, wei jie and jolin..nice meeting them..enjoy their least there something i gain from this trip..

dear guofeng..poor thing sick today..must get well kk..drink more water..wanna puke go puke k..then feel better.. go rest early go now!

kk people shall not bored u all further..byee

ahappyme @ 10:56 PM

Yeah..monday monday...4 days more to go to end FYP!!! heehee..i just can't wait..

i was super duper bored on sat and sun..nothing to do..except for giving of the time at vcd to watch wat did i do? tv..sleep..yup so i think tats wat contribute to my size i am also FYP so many breaks..and after breaks..sit and

MIT0218 chalet is on Sunday! Long time nv meet them le..last gathering is during hadi birthday but..student exam coming and so his mother wans tuition so cannot this chalet can meet up..yupyupyup..

later going off to somewhere near MOE i the Infocomm Horizon seminar preparation session for tml..sian..sian..don't feel like going..didn't know whether my project demo really is on wednesday a not..wish me luck..

okie..think i go surf net le byee

Today Ratings:
Mood: 7
Sleepy: 6

ahappyme @ 10:24 AM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
- jaSsamint's blog -
- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
- Grace's blog -
- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
- Grace Tan's blog -
- Mavis's blog -

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