Wednesday, May 18, 2005

i want a job!! i hate interviews! interviews waste of my time..yest interview was a waste of time and so demoralise.....wasted 45mins of my time telling me throughout the interview we need networking pple and male...coz out field..did they read my resume?? i think not..juz call resume there wrote...female..and my name is female name and my course in NYP is clearly stated...graduted means jobless..this chinese phrase is so true..

these fustrated things aside..last sat went celebrate kaixiong birthday..was fun..happy birthday kx! this sun got big walk registered but then...haha dunno i will wake up a not or becoz of the weather hot so i will skip it..heehee..cannot blame me..these few under hot sun..i will feel uncomfortable..wan to vomit or hard to breathe..think i need exercise!! haha..

28 tang ge wedding..and i dun feel like going..i rather go to the Rotary 4th assembly on the same day same time..not close to my dad's side relative..boring..all like so high class...sit one table nothing to talk abt..they only talk to themselves..those high class jobs..about their ..blah super arg...imagine my relatives!! i juz sit there wait for food to come family also..wat to do..we are not so "high" got to wait for super "BIG" VIP uncle and his family..always late..late for 1 hr plus that time for dinner (grandpa's birthday)..duno who's birthday on that day...hai wo rush like power to the restuarant..kk moi shall not complain anymore heehee

me looking for job!! any lobangs? call me kk

Just in case i didn't blog:

k lar i go continue to rot at home

ahappyme @ 11:48 PM

Monday, May 02, 2005

it's been boring..nothing to do..anyone wan to go out? been staying at home do nothing but watch tv and sleep..sooner or later i will become a big fat pig!

Saturday went out in the early morning 8am..juz to see the family doctor..for him to listen to my heart..thankfully..he said sound alrite..he said maybe becoz tat day i went checkup i was v i? so suppose to follow my mum next time she go for checkup..After the doc..went my big uncle hse to wait for ryan, ben, yvette to buy bbq stuff for sun then to ryan hse to marinate the chicken..erm..dunno wat big uncle got sick..went to hospital for bloodtest on thur in fear of dengue..thankfully now alrite i dad sick..sun my big aunt sick even worst..go hospital for bloodtest..blood count even lower than my uncle..gosh dunno wat it the bad weather??

for that i kinda stayed at home mum will nag if i go out and i didn't want her to worry coz my health isn't v gd for past few weeks.."weather so hot still wan to go out..go out for wat"..tats y i didn't went for rotaract fellowship on sunday..sorry guys..i know i plan all these..but i didn't turn sorry..i know it goes well..thanks jean for helping me with the games..and ryan, ben, yvette the food..

wed 6am will be the results of my last sem! me here praying v the hard heehee..think tml better sneak out to get my mum mother's day present..planning to get her swensen ice-cream cake is $38 and it looks nice n delicious! and shall find somewhere nice and affordable for dinner.. yummy!!!

k shall not bored u further..byee..

ahappyme @ 11:17 PM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

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- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
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