Friday, December 30, 2005

Hi i'm back! Todae is Fri!! a long weekend waiting for me heehee.. hope all of u will enjoy yr long weekend!!

receive a call plus sms from hgf n his 2nd sis respectively early in the morning telling me the a piece of good news..their big sis has given birth to a girl on 30/12/2005 juz a few days before New Year Day..can't be the first baby but is okie rite? can attend school 1 yr earlier and the youngest in class isn't tat good? heehee..all v excited coz is his family first grandchild, first niece, first daughter..i can't wait to see the baby also love babies and children they are juz so cute and adorable. :) and btw do u all know among my relatives (mummy side) i'm a well known Nanny haha..if theirs a function i'm always surrounded by kids..y? becoz this gd aunties always buying them sweets n toys and willing to play n take care of them..think i can be a gd child care teacher..anyone wans to employ me?? heeheez

alrite is back to work!!

Congratulations Michelle (hgf sis) on the birth of yr first cute little girl ! :)
Congratulations Hui Yi and HGF on the birth of your first cute little niece ! :)
Happy New Year to everyone!!

ahappyme @ 10:54 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Now is 8.46am so early in the morning!! life after school days work..1) got to wake up early 2) no free time in afternoon to take a nap boring..nothing much to do now decided to blog heehee..

Long weekend last week and coming week heehee excited can slpp..did i remind u of a pig?? haha yupz..i'm a well known pig since i'm a baby so i'm used to it..milky pig!! shh..only my cousins and my grandmother (mother side) call me tat :p

Last Sun aka Christmas Day celebrated Guofeng birthday at Bishan KTV!! long time no go..and dinner after tat..hope he like all the presents!! i'm sure he likes the BEYOND CD given by peter and grace v v v much and the bag given by MIT0218 he use the bag when booking in on Monday..that bag looks small on the outside but big on the inside!! Manage to put all his stuff inside think is like Doreamon pocket!

Last Monday was Mr Huang forgot is Monday aka his parents no sell food todae..his big sis, jie fu came his er jie and her bf..his hse is pack with family members to celebrate his birthday so xing shy shy :p

COme to yest Tue!! working day life is bounce back to normal..keep thinking yest was Mon but lucky reality is Tue!! Start my tuition with my niece..pri 4 ..hope this yr she's gotta be not gotta be nice anymore!! heehee *evil*

Todae..there will be a fire drill practice @ 4pm boring!! got take attendance somemore..feel like secondary school heehee.. nothing special after work..erm..maybe go home and slpz...

Alrite tats all for the updates..oh yar you know wat i heard?? nyp students can use MsN already is legal wor dun need to use web version, webby, ip address, etc anymore!! haiz..

alrite really thats all this time shall show you a few and really "few" pics :p

Image hosted by
Grace's Birthday Celebration

Image hosted by
Hgf's Birthday Celebration ..couldn't find a grp pic so show and him haha

Cya next post!

Happy 23th Birthday Eunice!!
Happy 21st Birthday Ben!!

ahappyme @ 8:45 AM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hi pple!! oh didn't realise i nv blog for 1 month plus wonder frens out there so loyal to my blog keep asking to blog..sorrie..lazy to blog haha.. okie let me start with updates!

My update:
Been working in NYP for about 3 months 9 months more to go..just wonder wat will become of me after my contract..jobless!! well life working in NYP so far so good..pple here are nice..familiar environment..and... :)

Computer at home still spoilt..this lazy me still lazy go repair or change a new one..but this cannot be due to lazy this is becoz save $$ plus if i buy a comp or repair in the end got to spend $$ repairing again coz of my bro!! so wat's the point of meaning of saying this is becoz sorry pple i dun use comp at home due to comp down so wanna look for me? juz go online on weekdays 8.30-6pm heehee or call me

life as usual : work in the day at home slp!! heehee

kk enuff of wk is christmas already thats fast!! 1 yr is it a fruitful yr for me?? i'm not sure..haiz..this yr i been a student and a working personal..can i go back to be student again?? shall see

just in case i dun blog for a few months :
Merry Christmas all of you!!
Happy Birthday to my dear Guofeng!!
Happy New Year to all!!
Happy Chinese New Year to all!!
Happy Birthday to Iris!!
and lastly
Esther have fun studying in Aust..come back dun forget us see u at the airport alrite ;)

y everyone seems to be leaving singapore?? *sigh* keep in contact alrite.. grace u leaving for new zealand?? muz keep us update k

ahappyme @ 5:15 PM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
- jaSsamint's blog -
- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
- Grace's blog -
- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
- Grace Tan's blog -
- Mavis's blog -

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