Thursday, January 12, 2006

It's 10.30pm now and i'm online and blogging!! can u imagine been a long long time ever since i graduate..i haven been online at nite..heeheez..yupz sorry to those frens i used to talk with you at nitez last time and suddenly MIA..

After a great long weekend rest finally went back to work on for 4 days only and i went back to work feeling so slack..haiz maybe i shldn't rest so long..but think most prob taking leave again haha on 27 Jan to help my dad a little cleaning and 1 feb (CNY chu si) to go temple..heehee which means 6 days of rest!! haha well still have last yr leave to clear plus this yr 21 idea after my contract ends in sept will i ever find such gdz job..praying hard haha but doubt so..think my pay will also decrease after pple who envy my pay, benefits, not tat gd after need envy k heeheez..only for 1 yr..

Feeling bored now.switch on my sis comp to type jan rotaract mins but juz too lazy..been busy at work from a proj..omg stress..they consider the system as small!! or the smallest!! but i see it as super big!! me alone..dunno how oracle forms n reports all new..diee diee..though new stuff to enhance my resume but.... reporting straight to manager..not fun at all..handling whole proj on yr own with only few few mths of experience in the company is not fun at all..haiz wish me all the best going to pengz..

boring...sis went JB makan dinner with fellow teachers..bro in Shanghai w school (so lucky sec 2 onwards compulsary to go overseas in the beginning of the yr to learn, study, play, exchange program), guofeng outfield cannot call me..cryz..bored!! no one to talk to !!! no one to disturb!!

alritez back to meeting minutes!

ahappyme @ 10:29 PM

Friday, January 06, 2006

Yeah is Friday!! long weekend on leave on Monday so what does it mean?? Means i start work on Wed..4 days to rest and enjoy my sleep!! but think sure v fast idea y weekdays seems so slow...but my weekends..juz gonez without me knowing is Monday liao.. does all pple who work feels the same way too?

sadz..2 more friends going for 5mths or more for exchange programme/study in New Zealand flying on 17 feb the other for few yrs to study in Aust flying on 18 feb..just 1 day difference...will miss them..pls meet us up be4 u leave k grace and esther..and when u are back call us up to meet too! esp Esther k... Grace will see u again in July

Monday gotta so fix up my computer finally after months and months of waiting and thinking..not gotta change my monitor yet..though is not LCD but is okiez..but maybe shall change in March..checked webby..there's IT show 2006 at suntec and this yr it will have 3 levels of exhibitions/sales definately can get things cheaper there! heeheez..see how first..

todae is fri..NS guys can book out..but guofeng got confine this wk sadz..he only can book out on Sunday..but lucky he dun need book in on Sunday..this unit going Sentosa on Monday to play so he just report at Sentosa on Monday and out of Sentosa at 3pm!! and just nice i on leave so can meet him heehee..but haiz..sat boring...

show you some pics of my cute little baby nephew:
Image hosted by
Kieran pic 1

Image hosted by
Kieran Pic 2

alritez..time to find other things to do already..ciaooo

happy holidays to all!

ahappyme @ 1:40 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Hi hi is Jan 2006 already time flies so fast is 2006!! and wat does it mean?? i'm 21 yrs old this yr..dun wan to grow up haha..21 yrs old v fast time flies and who knows i be 30 in no time..can't imagine.. every having their own lifes now after graduating..guys busy serving army..girls busy working..i seem to be most free no dun misunderstood..yes i'm not serving army but i'm also working..but how come i so free no understand..haiz..can someone give me work to do be4 i waiting for meeting to get new requirements but where/when the meeting will be wondering..

now staring at my big empty desk / area..spotted this cute little tissue box and holder given by shumei..thanks love it so much add cuteness to my table and beautify the big big empty desks. heeheee..besides tat there's a Precious moments calendar...pencil comp with 2 big speakers..mousepad..a new optical mouse big tall cup..and thats all..y telling u all these? heehee coz i'm bored..yupz hope tml the specification of my new mini proj will arrive gotta learn new again.. but is okie is something new more things to add to my resume.. jsp, oracle,, etc..

alrite is 5.50pm wat does it mean?? it means i off work in 10 mins time!! i survived todae!! my ususal speech..

just in case i dun blog soon enuff..
Happy holidays!!
Hari Raya!!
Happy Chinese New Year!!

no worries think i be back soon nitemare to u?? haha

ahappyme @ 5:39 PM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
- jaSsamint's blog -
- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
- Grace's blog -
- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
- Grace Tan's blog -
- Mavis's blog -

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