Friday, March 31, 2006

Hi!! Today will be my last post for the month of March fast 3 mths gonez!!

Nothing much to write...erm...oh ya guofeng say my posts must write something abt him..haiz..okie..he's very poor thing now posted to his unit OPs room to do paper kana bad the co there! even put him on duty in 1 month... 1 Saturday, 1 Sunday, 1 weekday, 1 public holiday! in the month of april...the weekday is fine as he stay in .. but 1 week is on public holiday (14 April) then the next week is on saturday.. then the next week on tat he dun need book out le stay in camp..pengz...lucky i told him 14th is public he managed to scold the whoever is there and managed to change shift..wat is this..haiz he so poor thing..but wat to do??

todae is fri!! finish work at 5.30pm on Fridays..todae my sis gotta go York Hotel to receive a St John award on behalf of her sec one go with her so ended up i gotta go with her..erm free food!! haha..but very sianz..all strangers ard me..shall ask her collect le then run..haha..i muz pretend to be a teacher somemore..representing her sec school that she teaching..skaly i spoil their ming yu = p

now at work nothing to do so sian..actually there is work but dunno how to solve..lazy to think already so decided to blog and slack abit...having headache now help!! these few days having headache dunno y..sigh...muz be my thyroid getting back at me again....will it cause headache?? i dunno...sigh...wan to sleep...

k lar gotta work!!

ahappyme @ 3:21 PM

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hi!! has too many loyal readers complaining to me i have not update my blog for too long haha sorries..reasons are dunno what to blog life is still the same, on off work load at work..past few days/wks with no work to do boring..

yest nite met cch and kx at bishan for dinner..suppose to go to suntec but moi very lazy so ended up at bishan..cch and kx muz be disappointed haha.. but we manage to see look few ideas rite?
had dinner at yoshinoya..tried the new product.. the erm wat it called..anyway is the breaded fish w red curry..i feel is nice but maybe they shldn't give hard cabbage? coz bought more than $8 so got 2 little small toys haha can use to bluff my niece/nephew heehee..
Yoshinoya new dish must try.. haha.. cch tried the green curry and i tasted it..tasted like grinded veggies.. curry taste nicer!!

back in office now staring at my comp..there's finally work to do now but finding the mood haha me hard to satisfy haiz so sad.. had meeting yest for my graduation attendance system got some additional stuff to add so sianz..change a little stuff too.. moi will jia you!!

while finally managed to send my university application last mth finally to both local Uni waiting patiently for their high hopes for me..i doubt i can get in but anyway juz trying out.. if i didn't get in.. got to job hunt for another job probably in june/july be4 my contract ends in if u know of any job vancancy at that time pls contact FELICIA thank you!! haha.. if i get in to uni..then i probably hope can get sponsorship from NYP.. so yup my plans for the future is still study/work.. li hui ask me again last wk what i wan to be..wat career i wan something like a pri/sec school student qn? suppose to be by now pple got theeir ans..but me now still blank kinda of walk 1 step think 1 step.. me gone case! haha

my weekends is busy to the max now.. wake up at 5am in the morning to help out in my dad stall..many wondered y i so guai wake up at 5am..if tired dun go lor..but i have no choice my sis doesn't wan to wake up..and is tiring for my dad i know but think he used to it mum is tired i feel..sometimes even weekday gotta wake up so early to bring my bro to school then go bro is sec 3 can't he grow up?? back to y i have to wake up at 5am..coz weekends normally customer flow high so need helpers if not will be in a mess so if i can help out y not..though tiring.. 1 gotta wash plates..1 gotta take orders.. 1 gotta be the waiter/waitress...1 gotta do the cooking...1 gotta get customer orders ready.. 1 gotta keep the endless dirty plates.. so yup multitasking so thats the reason y i insist of waking up at 5am..if my mum can do it..i can too rite heeheez.. afternoon will be hgf/poly frens/rotaract time.. i'm still trying to get used to it so pple pls bear with me haha..

k lar write so long to work..cya next post!

Happy 21st Birthday Cheryl!
Happy 22nd Birthday Betty!
Happy 22nd Birthday Peter!

ahappyme @ 10:10 AM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

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- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
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