Friday, June 22, 2007

quite disappointed and upset over it though... i juz dunno how to do.... i hope they are nice enuff to give me a juz pass... on the dot also can as long as i pass... what i have learnt or memorise didn't came out which are all the tips...the tips are lousy not like nyp tips... ermz okies.. maybe cannot say didn't but ONLY 1 came out.. sobz... so what i can do is write rubbish answers haiz... v v v worried... i dun wan to fail and repeat any modules...wan my transcript to be nice nice... haiz... feeling v demoralised...

just checked my results for previous module... and pick my mood up a little heeheez v v extremly satisfied w my results :D .. but thinking next module might be a F ... make me sianz again..

Next Fri (29 June) will be the first lesson of my next module! cycle starts again!! haha.. haiz.. i think the first assignment will be given out on that day too.. .

29 June 2007: Guofeng and Felicia 4 years together!!

ahappyme @ 2:06 PM

Monday, June 18, 2007


applied leave.. wat a waste of leave... stay home to memorise...memorise..memorise..memorise.... with fel poor memory??? haha exam is always a GONEZ CASE zzZ...

ahappyme @ 9:39 AM

Thursday, June 14, 2007

these few months....seeing relatives, frens, colleagues going on holiday... esp many to korea!! See the pictures (yes..just saw one stack of photos a few minutes ago from another colleague who juz came back from korea)... arh....tempting... envy.... long time no go holiday liao...and travel far... many places i hope i can go.. places like New Zealand... to Aust again ... to HongKong... to Korea.. etc..

best thing... i can claim from company $250 max ( $50/night for hotel)..but it isn't longer anymore now coz contract ending...

when can i go? when?? sigh sigh... no $ $ $ ... no one go with me sobzz.. haha.. my passport is rotting and yes it has just expired!

if i get all Dist for my modules can i get rewarded not only my degree cert but also 1/2 air tickets?? heeheez... maybe not all but if I get juz 1 Dist for one of my modules?? fel will keep on day dreaming and still hoping ! =p

alrite back to work...back to reality...Mind goes: "fel stop dreaming and stop slacking!"

ahappyme @ 10:19 AM

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

suddenly.. look through my office desktop and i retrieve quite a number of photos.. heeheez..
realise me seldom put pictures in my blog.. alrite here is a few albums of photos. Hope it works though the link :p Click Here

Try to look for Browse All Albums at the bottom to see the rest. Default is a community service project :)

ahappyme @ 11:52 AM

Friday, June 08, 2007

YEAH !!! FINALLY SUBMITTED MY ASSIGNMENT 3!! though wasn't full functionality.. 2 forms could not insert but too tired to think.. :p but knowing my tutors.. how i know i will at least have a pass .. i hope :x

I'm feeling so relaxed now.... and the sudden tireness kick in.. 3 days 5 hrs or less of slp in total.. didn't get to slp todae yawn.. miss my bed!! shall enjoy few days before studying for exam and then next assignment comes in heeheez

is time to give my dvd portable player some of my time!! starting tml!! after i have my wonderful beauty slp.

boring..later going all the way to PSB to submit 1 piece of paper which is the assignment cover sheet..zzZ

ahappyme @ 4:10 PM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

on PM leave today.. having headache due to lack of slp yawwnn.. sat moi going to have a good good slp heehee..

Thanks to my cousins and sister, they got me a portable dvd player for my birthday!! DVD/VCD dramas (taiwan/korean) here i come!!! after submitting my assignment and be4 next one come! heeheez.. there goes my sleep too :p

Thanks Shumei for the Charles and Kieth voucher :) just nice want to buy new heels haha thanks thanks will find time to go shopping!

Thanks Kaixiong and Stephanie for the taiwan goodies! keeping me awake while burning mid night oil.. gotta go side ways liao with chocolates and cup noodles haha thanks!

Thanks everyone for your wishes! grow one year older.. some said hope my brain ram grow so will not be so blur and slow haha thanks! think its getting even slower not faster :p

Thanks guofeng for spending late nite to do something for me which dunno wat yet :)

okies back to reality! work! work! work!

Thanks all!! =)

ahappyme @ 11:00 AM

Monday, June 04, 2007

is monday again.. back to work.. taking a little time to blog..

last thursday was vesak day..spend whole morning in 2 temples.. most of time in kong ming san.. practically went from the main door to pray to the end.. whole of kong ming san! weather was super sunny.. and is crowded there.. but it was okie..many activities going on.. was quite interesting and fun actually.. being many yrs i have not went to candle light ceremony heeheez and nv went for san bu yi bai (walk 3 steps bow one time).. maybe shld go next yr :p ermz.. been saying that for years haha

sat after class went to meet my cousins...walk ard novena and compass point to kill time :p met my poly frens MIT0218 at nite for dinner.. thanks pple for the dinner ;) really appreciate it and the presents too i received thanks!

yi zhuan yan, my weekend is gonezzz and is monday and guess wat friday is getting nearer and nearer... haha wat have i done for my assignment? nothing much :X Friday Rotary queenstown having installation attending dinner at American Club..hope won't look like zombiee heeheezz.. sunday is ryan and nyce wedding whole day.. hope monday go work i'm still awake :p

My Birthday Wishes to :
Happy Birthday Melvin! (4 June)
Happy Birthday Shumei! (7 June)
Happy Birthday Yi Qian! (8 June)
Happy Birthday Shufen! (9 June)
Happy Birthday Yanny! (29 June)
Have fun on your birthday alrite! ;)

ahappyme @ 11:55 AM

:: About Me ::
Felicia Tan
06 Jun 85
Sleepy, blur & best friend of VCD/DVD (drama)

:: Links ::
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- Shumei's blog -
- Yanny's blog -
- Eileen's blog -
- Grace's blog -
- Mini's blog -
- Betty's blog -
- CCH's blog -
- Steph's blog -
- Iris's blog -
- Jinfa's blog -
- Yi Qian's blog -
- Shufen's blog -
- Eunice's blog -
- Esther's blog -
- Winnie's blog -
- Grace Tan's blog -
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